If You are think that Google is only a Web search company.

then sorry you should learn more about Google

Google CEO Larry Page does not. He thinks of Google as a technology company.

He believes Google's mission is to identify human problems than can be solved with technology and then come up with the technologies that solve those problems.

It's a pretty broad mission.

Following Products Under Development of Google-Here is List

An Internet search engine.(Known as a Google)

Web email.(known as Gmail)

A news aggregator.(G-news)

Calendar software.(to Plan Your things)

A suite of productivity applications, including spreadsheet, word-processing, and 

photo-editing software.(Docs,Google sheets,slides)

Cloud storage for consumers

Cloud storage for businesses.

Cloud computing for businesses.

A website for watching Internet videos.(YouTube)

A web browser.(Google Chrome)

A smartphone/tablet operating system.(Android)

A thermostat. 

Unknown life-extending technologies.

Computerized contact lenses

Robot assistants

Self-driving cars
"A spoon designed to make life easier for people with diseases such as Parkinson's."
A home video monitoring system.

High-speed Internet service.

Laptop computers.

Desktop computers.

A dongle that puts Internet video on your TV.

Balloons that broadcast Internet signal.

Drones that deliver goods to homes.

Computers you wear like glasses.

Airborne wind turbines.

A digital collection of all the world's books.

A map of the world.

A collection of photographs of every street in the world.

A social network.

Software for creating and maintaining blogs.

An online video rental store.

An online software store.

A live-updating database of equities and financial news.

A service that allows you to pay for things with your phone.

A language translation service.

A phone number replacement service.

Video-conferencing software.

BONUS: According to The Information's Amir Efrati, Larry Page also wants to…
Fix Wall Street.

Fix airports.

Know exactly where shoppers are in stores, so that Google can tell them what products are available in the aisle they are walking down.

Some of the products on this list are obviously related to Google's core business, Web search. Chrome and Android assure that a Google search bar is never far from almost all Web users.

But it's a pretty wild and varied list. Who knew that Google made a spoon?

So far, shareholders are not punishing Page for a lack of focus. Google is up more than 6% this year.

Obviously, that's not because of the robots or contact lenses Google is working on. 

It's because Google has the world's most lucrative Internet business pumping the place full of cash: search advertising.

There is little reason to worry that search advertising will go away any time soon.

There is some reason to worry it will stop growing so fast, though!

People are using the Internet on their phones more than they used to.