Zero Pocket

I’m gonna to right this book for young people who are facing financial issues and haven't financial education.

A lot of people asked me how they can be financial free and

what is the difference between active income and passive income..??

these are the most common Questions

Lets start from here :

How many of you guys are know about the types of income ..?

think for a minute

yes common think again and use your mind. you get it.? No ? then don't be worry let me teach you and Explain you the Game of Money. actually what is income and what the types of income.

Usually There are Two Types of income one of it usually stuck our minds for the whole life and about the second one most of the people doesn't know .

1-Active income:

so the Question is that what is Active income,
well if you look at majority of the world , 80% people are doing jobs which they dont like and always be broke after the 40-50 years job.

active income is that if you're going on the job and getting payed by the company , a small amount in the form of check.
You Can Describe Active income as it will be only comes in if you're going on the job. if you stop then your income source will be disturb.

To read in detail Active income click Here

2-Passive income streams 

Well note please right note that  while i’m writing this book in august 2021 , (my birthday month) major passive income streams are according to 2021 , are below ,which might will different in future

1-Content Creation 

about anything you want to write can be considered as content creation , it may be as Written article or video or picture format


I hope you're familiar with the YouTube already because its best for the Video Blogging


You can Consider the Facebook for the 3 types of content creation




7-affiliate market

8-selling a digital (Product) 


10-selling a course online

11-aoutomating business 


